Lessons to Learn from a True Go-Giver – Kris Kringle

3 Jan

One of the first true Go-Givers was Kris Kringle.  In the classic movie Miracle on 34th Street,  Kris employed as the Christmas Santa Claus at Macy’s New York department store, is committed to making everyone’s wish come true – even if that means sending them to another store.  If Macy’s didn’t have what shoppers wanted, he sent them down the street to Macy’s competitor Gimbels.

Make Giving Your Passion and Success Will Follow

Kris’ behavior was seen as radical and disloyal by the CEO, Mr. Macy who wanted Kris fired.  Customers were surprised by the level of service that directed shoppers to another store, but greatly appreciated his help.  That appreciation translated into record sales for Macy’s.  Realizing these results, Mr. Macy had a change of heart and directed all his employees share Kris’ sincere desire to help and do whatever it took to make the customer happy.  Even if that meant sending them to Gimbels.

It’s a simple lesson Mr. Macy learned from Kris and one of the five laws that the book The Go-Giver drives home in a well spun story. The most successful in business develop relationships with customers and colleagues by giving more than they get in value, help, knowledge and expertise. Kris positioned Macy’s as the expert in retail.  Macy’s became the store shoppers went to find the best places to buy their gifts. The simple idea of giving increased customer loyalty and growth in store sales beyond what any advertising campaign had attained.

The new year is an opportunity to refocus efforts on what matters most to your business – your customers.  Make helping your customer and others in your life your passion and priority and your business will grow.

Additional Resources:
The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann
How a Startup’s Vision Wins Customers, by Colleen Debaise, Smart Entrepreneur

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